I would like to dedicate this blog to my family members who have been affected by cancer.
This is me getting my last chemo treatment in June. I had seen pics of women posting similar pics with signs saying my last chemo so I wanted to do the same thing. I know copy cat but it is a neat idea. The kcco stands for keep calm and chive on. This was so we could enter it into thechive.com This web site will post pictures of you as long as you ad the kcco. So yes you can go to thechive.com and you will see this picture of me.
I would like to send prayers and best wishes to anyone who is battling cancer and or knows someone in the fight.
my wonderful son who is 22 gave me this beautiful sweatshirts for Christmas. Love you couldn't have gave birth to a more handsome and caring young man.
I was thinking we pay way too much money a month for three smart phones. We do use them quit a bit. If you ask my husband he would say I am on mine 24/7. He is not too far behind me though. He plays his games as well as I. Technology can be more than just games It was my husband who suggested I record with my phone, my doctors appointment with the surgeon. My husband could not be there and with my chemo brain I would forget what he said. I turned to my son who is technologically advanced on how I can record with my phone. My son sat in the doctors room with me and recorded the visit. I had him show me how he did this so that I could do it on my own. I have an apple I phone that has a voice memo app on it. I am not sure about other smart phones but I am sure they have some kind of recording app you can get. This was a great idea. I also did this with one appointment I went to by myself. Now some doctors spoke louder than others but, to be able to play back the whole conversation was great. I was even able to send the voice memo as a message to family members using a multiple text. This allowed me to not have to make multiple calls and explain everything or anything I could remember. It felt so great not to have to remember all the details and information. To be able to have that information to play back for myself in case I had missed something or I was trying to remember is priceless. I would recommend this to anybody who is going in for a doctors appointment especially if it involves a cancer diagnosis, surgery or a love one who is elder and has a hard time remembering. This is one useful app on my I phone. I mean you can bring someone with you and they can try and remember or take notes but what good is having this technology and not getting your moneys worth out of it. If you your self don't have a phone then maybe some one else you know might. It wouldn't hurt to ask them to borrow the phone or them and the phone for your visit. I also think those hand held tape recorders would work as well. You can also use the recording device or app to record questions you may have for the doctor because, lets face it to think of questions after you have been told about a cancer diagnosis does not happen. This is why it is important to have a partner in crime go with you to your appointments. Two heads are better than one but sometimes both heads are spinning after a diagnosis. Pre written questions on a piece of paper will work just as well. I wish I had thought of the recording app or list of questions before my initial appointment. I guess I wasn't thinking it could be cancer but I should of had what if questions just in case.
I decided to create this blog in hopes of not only helping me but others who are going through this journey. This blog is also for those who know someone who is battling cancer. I want to share my experience in hopes that I can be of some help and also educate others from a patients standpoint.
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