Thursday, July 16, 2015

I had three weeks in between my chemo treatments to rest. I was fatigued and I was having fullness and stomach pain from my gastroparesis.  I would type my blog or watch television. My husband is in a band and I would lie on the couch some evenings and listen to him practice upstairs. I had a hobby of making jewelry and I would do that on days I felt up to it. One day my husband noticed that my left arm was bigger than the other. It looked swelled up. I told him I will let the oncologist know at my next follow up appointment. I saw my doctor the second week after my chemo treatment. He had asked how I was and I told him about the arm. He wrote me a prescription for physical therapy. He told me the arm was retaining fluid and called this lymph edema. He stated that when they take out the lymph nodes during surgery fluid can back up causing the arm to swell. He told me physical therapy and a compression sleeve could fix the problem. So when I was done with my appointment, I headed over to the physical therapy department of the hospital and made an appointment with them. I would be getting an evaluation to determine the need for physical therapy. If I did get physical therapy I would be going three days a week for about 2 hours. They scheduled me with a physical therapist that specialized in lymph edema of the arm. 

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