Monday, August 10, 2015

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I told my husband what was going on with my plastic surgeon and Bay Health. He was not happy either. I told him I would be going to Bay Health in the morning to the main office to speak to someone. I was directed to the hospital administration. The hospital administrator introduced himself to me. I told him about my concerns over the fact that they were doing away with my plastic surgeon.  He told me he would look into it and give me a call back. He gave me his card and told me to call him if I do not hear from him. A few days later I received a phone call from a woman at Bay Health. She said she had received my message about my plastic surgeon and his leaving. She told me they could recommend another plastic surgeon. I said, “You do not have a replacement?” She said, “No, there is another plastic surgeon located in Dover and I can give you their number. I let her know how unfair this was of Bay Health and that it should be their responsibility to keep the doctor I had around to finish the surgery. She responded by saying that this was not an option. I told her to make all the arrangements so that I can be seen by this other plastic surgeon. She said, “She could see what she could do and would call me back in a few days with the information.” I had received a phone call and a letter giving me the new plastic surgeons information. They made his office aware of my situation and that I would be calling to schedule an appointment. 

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