Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I just knew I wanted to make an appointment with my oncologist to see if he agreed with the surgeons plan. My oncologist office is an hour away but it would be worth the trip. My husband and son wanted to come with me. My mother and stepdad wanted to be there as well. They would be meeting us at my doctor’s office.  My doctor entered the exam room and we all introduced ourselves. The doctor already knew my mother and my son but, my son was only two at the time.  My son is 22 years old now.  The doctor went over my MRI and mammogram with us. He suggested I get a double mastectomy.  He said I could get a lumpectomy which is the removal of the left breast but chances are, the cancer would eventually spread to the right breast. If I get a double mastectomy both breast would be removed.  He also stated that the lymph nodes under the arm pit would have to be removed and biopsied. He told us breast cancer can spread to the nodes. He then said I would need to have chemo. I asked him about getting reconstruction surgery. He had no problem with this at all.  The doctor gave me a paper with statistics on it.  The paper showed the prognosis in percentages with treatment and without. The unfortunate news about my cancer is that it is triple negative, this type of cancer doesn’t respond well to chemo. My doctor seemed hopeful and with surgery they could remove all the cancer. I trusted my oncologist. He was there for me when I had the Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We all agreed that this would be the plan and the doctor was going to fax it to my surgeon. Before I left the office I had to have a consult with the nurse about the chemo meds I would be getting. After she went over the medication, dosage and side effects I had to sign consent for treatment. I would be getting the surgery first and then the chemo.

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