Monday, June 8, 2015

It was three weeks before Christmas and I had noticed a lump on my left breast while in the shower. I ran my hand over the lump and felt pain. After getting out of the shower, I showed my husband who also felt it.  He said, “It does feel like a lump.  I said to him that I would call Monday morning to see if I can get a mammogram. Because I had a suspicious lump on my breast, my primary care had to fax a doctor’s order to the hospital. Once that was done I made an appointment for a mammogram. The mammogram showed two spots on my right breast. I was then sent for an MRI. The MRI showed four spots. My doctor suggested I have these biopsied. So once again I have an ultra sound guided biopsy preformed. The tech was the same one who performed the one I had done in October for the right breast. She was surprised to see me back so soon. I told her I felt a lump in my right breast. She said, “Let’s hope it’s just fluid like last time.” I wanted so much for this to be the case but when the doctor said it was hard tissue, I did not have a good feeling. All along I felt this lump was different. I think it’s the pain I had with it. I had no pain on the right side of my breast with the previous lumps. The tissue was taken out to be biopsied. I would wait for my doctor to call with the results.
It was Monday morning when I received a call from one of the nurses at the hospital. I was on my way into work. This would be my last day of work for the holidays. I had the rest of the week of for Christmas.  The nurse had asked me how I was, and if I had made an appointment with my doctor to go over the results. I had told her I thought he would call if something was wrong. She insisted I call my doctor’s office. So when I hung up with her that’s just what I did. My doctor’s office gave me an appointment to come in. The next day while I was home my primary care doctor called me. He said, “There was no need for me to come in.” He told me I should make an appointment with my surgeon.

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