Thursday, September 3, 2015

chemo and menopause

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I have been feeling very tired from the chemo. I have been getting hot flashes throughout the day and I have been moody at times. If I could only take those hormones to help with my menopause symptoms, I could get some relief. My doctor said, “I could not take them.” I did some research online and found out that hormone therapy can be linked to an increase in breast cancer in women. I did not know this. According to the Breast Cancer Organization there are two main types of hormone replacement therapy. One contains the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The other hormone replacement therapy contains estrogen only.  The Breast Cancer Organization states that a combination of the hormonal replacement therapy increases breast cancer by about seventy five percent. This is when it is only used for a short period of time. The estrogen only therapy causes breast cancer but only when used for more than ten years.  They go on to say that if you have already been diagnosed with breast cancer or have tested positive for BRCA1 or BRCA2 you should not use this therapy. The Breast Cancer Organization goes on to say that HRT can cause hormone-receptor positive cancers to develop and grow.  If you have menopausal side effects and had a personal history of breast cancer, talk to your doctor about other non-hormonal options. Menopausal symptoms can be relieved with dietary changes, exercise, acupuncture or meditation.  I keep a portable fan handy for my hot flashes. I also wear light clothing. I do eat Popsicles to help cool my body temperature. 

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