Thursday, April 2, 2015

The next time I saw my mom was the day I had to get my bone marrow biopsy.  My brother was going to watch the kids so my mom could drive me.  My oncologist was going to perform the biopsy.  He was going to numb my lower left back with a local anesthetic.  He then said he would be extracting a piece of the bone marrow which would then be sent off to the lab for further testing.  During the procedure I let out a horrible scream so the doctor injected more numbing medicine and preceded some more.  I had never felt so much pain in all my life.  The only way I can describe the procedure is this.  Say you open a wine bottle with a cork screw that you have to twist and twist then pull; this is what it felt like.    I believe this is exactly how it was done.  The instrument itself even looked somewhat like a cork screw.  I was so relieved when it was over.  I was a little sore and when I saw my back I was surprised to see a little round band aide.  I guess I was expecting it to look worse than that because of all the pain and pressure I had felt during the procedure.  My doctor said he would see me at my scheduled appointment to talk about my chemo treatment and that the results should be in by then.
I had told my brother that after my procedure was over he could help me tell mom about the Oprah show.   After arriving back at my house my brother and I sat her down as I told her about the invitation to be on the Oprah show.  I explained that they were doing a show on cancer patients and treatment. “Are you ok?’ she said.  “Yes I said, why?”  She had asked me what kind of drugs they gave me for the procedure.  I told her I wasn’t given any and that I am not making being on the Oprah show up.  This is for real I told her.  “How did they get your name?”  “I am not sure my doctor I would guess.”  I told her the show would be contacting me with more details but that I, she and the boys would be going to Chicago.  She could not believe it and thought it was such a great honor for me to be nominated for the show.  Little did she know, I was the one, who nominated her. 

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