Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I had my follow up with the plastic surgeon a few days later.  I told him I decided to go ahead and get the implants. The plastic surgeon informed me that he spoke with my surgeon and it would not be a problem for them to work together. He told me once my surgeon removes all the cancerous breast tissue and the lymph nodes from under my arm pit, he would go in and place the tissue expanders in. The surgeon said, “Tissue expanders will be used to stretch the skin so that an implant can eventually be placed in.” He told me I would need to have blood work and an ekg done prior to surgery.   He said I should expect to be in surgery for at least eight hours. He also said this is an outpatient procedure and I should have minimal pain to none at all. He told me the tissue expanders would have two tubes on each that would need to be drained twice a day after surgery. He said it would be important for me to write down on a piece of paper the amount of fluid that gets drained.  I would need to bring this paper in to show him on my follow up visits. I would need to empty the tubes till they run clear and there is little to no fluid left. He then would remove the tubes and filling of the expanders would begin. 

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