Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I made my appointment with the new plastic surgeon for the upcoming week. I was a bit nervous about it. I liked the plastic surgeon I had and was not sure what this plastic surgeon would be like.  There are only about three plastic surgeons in our area. The last year and a half had been exhausting. I had been fighting for my life and the last thing I needed was to have my surgeon taken away from me in the middle of him treating me.  But with all this going on, I was given a surprise by my husband that would change my life forever.  I was given Chewy. Chewy is our half Shitzu and half Cocker Spaniel puppy.  A friend of ours female Shitzu was pregnant. She had mated with the neighbors Cocker Spaniel.  My husband was over there house for band practice when the wife told him she had puppies for sale. Their dog had a liter of three. My husband went upstairs to look at them. She told my husband two were spoken for and she had one left. A few years prior to this, I would ask my husband every so often if we could get a puppy. He always said, “No, I don’t think the cats will adjust.” So I would drop the subject. So when I received a text from my husband at band practice, I was not expecting to see a cute fury puppy. He told me this puppy was up for adoption. This I told him was a big mistake. There was no way he was going to tell me I could not get this dog. When my husband came home, he told me that next week I could go to band practice with him to look at the dog.  I was so excited and could not wait till next Wednesday. I had decided to do research about his bread and how to introduce a new animal to existing cats. I wanted to be prepared so the transition of a new animal would not be stressful for the cats or us. I had brought a few wash cloths with me to pat the puppy down so his scent would be on them. I then would lay them out around the house for the cats to sniff. This would help the cats get used to the familiar smell of our new pet. That night at band practice I hung out with my friend, the singer of the bands wife. We sat and watched the puppies play. I held the puppy that would soon be ours. I wiped him with the cloths and played with him. My husband and I were going to bring Chewy home the following week. We wanted to get a crate, food and toys for him. You can see from the picture why we named him Chewy which is short for Chewbaca.

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